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Wir bei MOBILE STUDIOS lieben es Visuelles zu erschaffen und wenn Du gerade anfängst dein nächstes Video Projekt zu planen können wir Dich schon in der Anfangsphase unterstützen. Unsere Kreativabteilung hilft Dir ein Konzept von Grund auf zu entwickeln um am Ende ein produktionsfähiges Drehbuch mit Storyboard in den Händen zu halten.

Sunnyside Up


shape an idea

We at MOBILE STUDIOS love to create and if you are just starting to plan your next video project we can assist you right from the early stage. Our creative team will be right with you developing a concept from ground up to a production ready script with storyboard.

storyboard visualisierung film video


visualize the plot

To produce high end, engaging and meaning full content, the target audience can relate to You need to get everything just right straight from the beginning. Our Creative Team here at MOBILE STUDIOS is exited to guide you right from the beginning of your concept and planning phase, shaping your idea into a production ready script while protecting you from making common mistakes.



find your talent

As soon as an idea is worked out properly and written down in a scrip our Graphic Department will start to translate all those words into a Storyboard that will help the whole Production Team to pre-visualise all scenes of your Film.

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